sachin tendulkar skipping
Sachin Tendulkar skipping: Instagram/ Sachin Tendulkar

Sachin Tendulkar believes in creativity, learning, and doing new things. Whether it is a field or an issue related to food and drink. Now Sachin Tendulkar has given a mantra of skipping (rope jumping) on ​​social media to those players who are not able to practice in the field outside the house due to lockdown.


Now you will say that what is new in this? All the players associated with Team India are doing something at home to keep themselves fit, but Sachin Tendulkar has different in this fitness mantra.

Sachin Tendulkar said on his Instagram on Sunday with this video that

This #Lockdown has been tough for everyone but we shall not give up.‬ ‪Let’s #KeepMoving and keep ourselves fit and healthy.‬ ‪How are you guys at Team

A post shared by Sachin Tendulkar (@sachintendulkar) on

Actually, what is new in this fitness mantra of Sachin is that in the video he is seen wearing weight on his leg, but despite this, he is seen jumping rope very fast. It is being said that at the age of 15-16 Sachin Tendulkar used to skipping wearing cricket pads on legs and now he skips by tying weight on his legs.

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