wasim akram, ban on saliva
Former Pakistan’s fast bowler Wasim Akram: Google Images

In view of the return of cricket between the Coronavirus epidemic and the safety of players, the International Cricket Association (ICC) ban on the use of saliva to shine the ball.


Since then, there has been a debate between the veteran cricketer of the cricket world. Former Pakistan fast bowler Wasim Akram has also given his view over the ban on the use of saliva. He believes that not using saliva will make the bowler a Robot in front of the batsman.

Wasim Akram, who was a part of Pakistan’s 1992 World Cup-winning team and was famous for his swing bowling all over the world, told AFP agency,

“It will make bowlers robots, coming and bowling without swing. It’s a quizzical situation for me as I grew up using saliva to shine the ball and to swing it. I am all for precautions in these tough times, so bowlers have to wait for the ball to get old and rough for them to get a swing.”

Significantly, the ICC has banned saliva only to shine the ball while the use of sweat has not been banned. Regarding sweating, Wasim said,


“Sweat is just something of an add-on, a top-up. Too much use of sweat will leave the cricket ball too wet,

Use of Vaseline to shine the ball

At the same time, after the ban on the use of saliva to shine the ball, Akram suggested the ICC consider any other substance to shine the ball. So the bowler can shine the ball with that substance. Wasim said,

“I believe that they will need to find a reasonable solution. Artificial substances like vaseline could be used to swing the ball but how much of it?
