Allan Border, cricket australia financial crisis
Former Australia cricketer Allan Border: CA

On Tuesday, Cricket Australia Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kevin Roberts resigned from his post amidst the Corona crisis. Due to Coronavirus, many cricket boards of the world are facing the financial crisis at this time. Kevin’s resignation came at a time when Cricket Cricket Australia is struggling with a huge financial crisis.


Many are blaming Kevin Roberts for the financial crisis inside the Cricket Australia board. But former Australian cricketer Allan Border has defended the former CEO. The Border says Roberts is not alone responsible for the board’s financial crisis. Allan Border talking with Fox Sports News says,

“You can’t just lump it all on Kevin Roberts. Surely there’s other people, particularly the directors of the Australian cricket board. Where’s their culpability in all of this?”

He blamed the Steering Committee for the poor financial situation and said,

“It was only a couple of years ago we had a couple hundred million dollars in the bank, then all of a sudden we’re broke by August this year?

“I just can’t quite work it out. We’re in off-season as a sport, and all of a sudden we’re losing money hand over fist from a very strong position just a couple of years ago. I just can’t work out where all the money’s gone.


It’s not just Kevin Roberts: Allan

Allan Border believes other officials who were involved in the decisi on making should also be punished. He feels for the position of Cricket Australia board only Roberts is responsible. Allan further added,


“Kevin Roberts has been the CEO through that time … (but) some of the directors have got to be squirming at the moment. At the end of the day they sign off all those financial decisions. It’s not just the CEO. There’s got to be some others that fall on their sword as well.”

Following Kevin’s resignation, Nick Hockley was appointed as Cricket Australia’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  Roberts had a term until 2021 but had to step down 1 year earlier. Kevin Roberts has been criticized ever since he had discharged 80 percent of the head office staff in April in view of Coronavirus’s havoc.

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