Mashrafe Mortaza, Mashrafe Mortaza coronavirus
Mashrafe Mortaza: BCB

Former Bangladesh captain Mashrafe Mortaza is in the grip of Coronavirus. Mashrafe Mortaza tested positive with the coronavirus on Saturday.


The former Bangladesh captain as well as his mother-in-law and wife have also been found infected with the coronavirus. Treatment of all is going on in the hospital in Dhaka. After getting positive from COVID-19 Musharafe Mortaza has quarantined himself at home. As quoted in Hindustan times Mortaza’s brother told,

“He started to feel a bit uneasy 3-4 days ago. We were worried when he developed feverish symptoms. So we got him tested. The reports arrived yesterday and he has tested positive for Covid-19. He is currently at his residence in Mirpur and taking rest”,

A few days ago, former Pakistan cricketer Shahid Afridi also tested Corona positive. Afridi himself tweeted this information.

Musharafe Mortaza gave his sample for the test on Friday. And today i.e. on Saturday, his report has come positive. Significantly, in Bangladesh, about 2 lakh cases have been reported from COVID-19. Out of these more than 1400 people have lost their lives.


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Talking about India, former captain Sourav Ganguly‘s elder brother and sister-in-law have been found positive from Corona. At this time, Corona is wreaking havoc all over the world. This is why cricket tournaments have been postponed.
