ms dhoni net practice, ms dhoni, dhoni
Former Indian Captain MS Dhoni (Source: Google Images)

Former captain of the Indian cricket team and current wicket-keeper batsman Mahendra Singh Dhoni has not played any international match for India since World Cup 2019. For this reason, the BCCI has also excluded him from the annual contracts.


There have been reports about Dhoni’s retirement in the corridors of cricket for quite some time, but the social media platform Twitter on Wednesday started trending the hashtag #DhoniRetires of Dhoni’s retirement on Twitter.

Seeing this hashtag trending, some fans of Dhoni got into the can, while some made it fun. Shortly after this hashtag was trending, Sakshi Dhoni himself came forward and responded. Sakshi tweeted it as a mere rumor,

“Its only rumors! I understand Lockdown has made people mentally unstable! #DhoniRetires .. Get a life ! (sic),”

However, Sakshi deleted her tweet shortly afterward.

MS Dhoni was going to play IPL 2020 but it has been postponed due to the havoc of Coronavirus. Some legendary players, including the coach of the Indian cricket team, said that the path of Dhoni’s return to the team will depend on his performance in IPL 2020. But now it


A few days ago, former Indian team player Mohammad Kaif also said that there is no replacement of Dhoni. In an interview, Kaif said, “There is no replacement for Dhoni. Many fortresses tried to replace Dhoni. I don’t think KL Rahul will be India’s wicket-keeper option for a long time. He will always be a backup wicket-keeper.”
